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Monday, January 30, 2012

Totally Random: For All The Good Stuff In The World.

Time Check: 3:13am

You are probably wondering why I am up this late or should I say this early? The reason isn't exactly far fetched, I am studying for exams or better put, I should be studying...I've got exams on Friday if you care to know.
My room is a little cold and I have a slight headache which I am pretty sure would degenerate into a nagging one later on when my day starts in full swing. No, I am not confessing negative but you do know what they say about not being able to cheat on nature and all. Nature always wins in the end, I should's my body after all. 
So with this little break from study hall, I am doing the only fun thing I can do at this time, check up on my blog and drop a little something for you guys. :)
Now that I have put my books aside, dropped my pen and minimised the study pages, the thought just popped into my head. It is not easy living a student's life oh!!! What with the getting up early in the morning, missing family like crazy and the silly, hectic schedule induced diets, what can I say? No, I am not complaining but then again it isn't easy living life by itself is it? If not for the grace of God. Like, I look upon the beds of my roomies and listen to them snore away in perfect bliss and wish...wish that I could do the exact same thing you know. Climb up into bed, snuggle under my duvet and pull up the covers up on top of me and add my voice to the rhythm in perfect harmony except for one thing, Mayowa already did that. She is in my bed and just before she snoozed, she said to wake her up by 5:00AM!!! Now I am a time keeper and an alarm clock at the same time. Well, if I should look on the bright side, this means I am studying all night, so I would cover much more ground! (Yeah, I know...even I've never believed in that theory).

The sacrifices we make for what we really want. I want to ace that exam, it's the only reason I am up at this time "studying" and not sleeping or watching a movie or something I dunno....
Yes, I really do want to ace that exam and the more I hear the snoring up here in my room, I want it all the more (the aces, that is!). I could be up in bed harmonising with the other girls but I am not, so this study time better be worth it!!!
Morale of this putting-my-business-all-up-in-your-face is simply, "anything worth having is worth working for, fighting for, whatever, however you want to phrase it to suite you." My dad would say, "anything worth doing is worth doing well." I'm thinking he got that off the Bible but I'm not so sure though. I think that's the proper English for "no wuru wuru to the answer!" =)

I've got to go now, it's almost dawn and I still got a little some to cover (or a lot of some actually) =)
I just hope you got my drift and would take a queue from me, nothing goes for nothing. You want good stuff, you work for it and make sacrifices for it....sleep inclusive. Plus it affects almost everything I can think off; academics, finances,career, relationships and even my Christain faith! Woah!!! Who would have thought right? Now I got to go...I just hope you got this and I didn't waste my break time....peace out! 
PS: Please don't say a word to my roomies about their snoring, thank you! ;)

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